What Are The Risks Of Using An Unlicensed Plumber

What Are The Risks Of Using An Unlicensed Plumber

You don’t tend to remember your friendly plumber ever till the time something big happens that either threatens to destroy stuff in your house or raise the hackles in the neighborhood. A dripping tap or even a barely-functioning hard-water filter does not justify running all the way to your 24-hour plumbing company. Most sort such things on their own and never think in terms of getting a licensed plumber.

And if you aren’t in the habit of using good, licensed services and products, there is every reason to believe you shall one day, pay for it dearly, and turn in the direction of a licensed 24-hours plumbing company. Your first question could be a very obvious why or how!

We tell you of all the reasons (and risks) of using an unlicensed plumber, and also tell you how it makes sense to go to ONLY licensed 24-hour emergency plumbers!

  1. Body of knowledge: You don’t get a license just because you approached the right office of the government/ county/ state. You get it ONLY and ONLY if you can prove convincingly to people there that you do have the right credentials which include sufficient time spent in studying the science behind plumbing, and have the right certifications, including in some cases, a certificate of apprenticeship from a seasoned senior in the line. The same can’t be said of an unlicensed plumber. In most cases, if you can’t show it, it means it doesn’t exist! And if it doesn’t seem to exist, it means you aren’t up to the mark. This means only one thing. Do not approach such an entity – even if they give you all kinds of incentives including discounts and after-sale assistance!
  2. Body of work: Like the body of knowledge which is evidenced by a license, an unlicensed 24-hour emergency plumber may not have the kind of experiences that you may look for and which by default indicates one’s level of expertise. Digging trenches and putting pipers, redoing broken sewers without tearing up the place, using the latest trenchless technology are some things which are done best by those with the right qualifications and experience. One without a license can never be trusted to do such tricky and technically challenging assignments without messing at the right places for all wrong reasons, including foresight which comes with experience. Running video shoots inside sewer lines and then following it up with jet spraying, a fairly technical kind of work is something which should ALWAYS be left to a licensed 24 hours plumbing company. And that is so because it calls for a high degree of expertise, and deep pockets to buy and use technical equipment which cost handsomely.
  3. Warranties, guarantees and legalities: Most activities in the name of 24-hours emergency plumbing have service warranties, guarantees and legalities for which a license is a necessity. Without the same in place, such covers could be null and void from the very beginning. Imagine for example, fixing a water-softener in such cases and the same malfunctioning later. The householder may not be able to sue the manufacturers for defects or ever winning the case where it is found that the same was installed by unlicensed hands. Small washers and faucets are one thing. But when it comes to more technical stuff, in order to keep in place all the terms and conditions of the warranties and guarantees, a licensed plumber could just be the minimum of requirements. It thus makes sense to go for a License plumber, ALWAYS!
  4. Senior Citizen discounts and reimbursements: Most counties in the US provide discounts and reimbursements to Senior Citizens for the latter to tide over high costs involved in home improvements and maintenance including plumbing-related activities. One of the central needs to claim the same is to get things done by a “Licensed Plumber” who could be your friendly 24-hour emergency plumbing services! If you are a senior and want to use this service, you are left with no option but to get hold of a licensed plumber!
  5. Physical security-related issues: Would you ever, ever let an unknown (and in most cases, unlicensed) person enter your home/ office, including its most private of places? If you do, you could just be inviting the worst of crimes including grievous physical assaults (of many heinous kinds). A licensed 24-hours emergency plumber in almost all cases has to declare details of place of work, workmen’s details and all information which could make them wary of being unnecessarily adventurous. And yes, such a thing with a licensed plumber could play havoc with their professional reputation. The same can’t be said of an unlicensed plumber who could be anyone from anywhere who could after the dastardly act disappear just as fast!
  6. Costs: What would a householder prefer? A one-time cost with all assurances and guarantees in place or recurring costs with only an assurance of low costs and good service. In most cases, prudent householders would surely prefer the former. Plumbing as an activity has many, many elements, some of which are quite technical calling for expert, experienced hands. If done by novices and inexperienced hands, it could result in recurring and unending expenses with the quality of work being anything but good.

It thus makes sense to approach licensed plumbers especially when it’s about 24-hour emergency plumbing services. Use their services, and save yourself from uncalled for agony.


About Victor Perkins

Victor Perkins is a Mass Communications graduate and an ardent blogger. He has sound knowledge over the topics of business, sports, politics and the daily news updates. With a good eye for writing and copy editing Victor writes blogs for A-General Plumbing and Sewer Service company.

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